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Military Partners

Charter Oak State College building

Charter Oak is a member of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges.

We are also proud to partner with the U.S. Coast Guard and Army National Guard Support Center to facilitate degree completion for servicemembers and their spouses. Our military transfer counselor works with education officers to assist in the collection and submission of necessary documentation.

U.S. Coast Guard

Charter Oak State College is a longtime partner with the U.S. Coast Guard and member of SOCCOAST since its inception. Servicemembers and spouses can contact the military counselor to explore their options. The next step would be to complete the application online and have all colleges you attended submit official transcripts directly to Charter Oak, including the Coast Guard Institute. Upon enrollment, successful completion of the IDS 101 Cornerstone course and faculty approval of a concentration plan of study, Charter Oak will issue a SOC Student Agreement.

American Council on Education

The College recognizes most of the recommendations made by the American Council on Education in their Military and National Guides. The College has only a six credit academic residency requirement and affords you the opportunity to gain maximum benefit from your prior learning experiences regardless of their age.