Credit Recommendation
Helicopter Mechanics Certification Program: 52 credits; 34 credits, lower division level and 18 credits, intermediate division level
Effective Dates
May 1996 through July 2009
Source of Records
Sikorsky Aircraft Helicopter Mechanics School; 6900 Main Street; Stratford, CT 06497
About the Training Sponsor
Sikorsky Aircraft, a United Technologies company, is a world leader in the design and manufacture of advanced helicopters for commercial, industrial, and military use. The Sikorsky Helicopter Mechanics School is a full-time, 18-month, 2,882-hour curriculum offered to qualified Sikorsky Helicopter employees. Entry into the program requires 24 months of acceptable work experience at Sikorsky in one or more areas in helicopter manufacture or repair.
About the Reviewed Program
The curriculum, approved by the Federal Aviation Administration, provides the students the necessary requirements to take the written, oral, and practical exams for the FAA Airframe and Powerplant License. Completion of the program will enable employees to perform all production, maintenance, and flight test functions associated with manufacturing and overhaul of Sikorsky helicopters.
How to Apply for the Credit
Helicopter Mechanics Certification Program: 52 credits
To produce skills, professional employees able to perform all production, maintenance and flight test functions associated with the manufacture and overhaul of Sikorsky helicopters. This program is 18 months in length and consists of 722 hours of theory and 2160 hours of shop rotation. The school's curriculum, approved by the Federal Aviation Administration, prepares students to take written, oral, and practical exams for the FAA Airframe and Powerplant license. The program is offered every 20 months and runs in a cohort of an average of 20 students.
Lower Division Level
Aviation Documentation and Regulations: 2 credits
Air Frame Systems: 6 credits
Helicopter Fundamentals and Flight Control: 3 credits
Powerplant Systems and Operations: 3 credits
Aircraft Technical Drawing: 3 credits
General Aeronautics and Application: 2 credits
Airframe Applications I: 3 credits
Structures and Welding
Composites and Fiberglass
Flight Control Systems
Airframe Electrical and Electronic Applications: 3 credits
Airframe Electrical Systems
Airframe Electronic Systems
Auxiliary Power Systems
Helicopter Applications I: 6 credits
Overhaul and Repair Procedures
Powerplant Applications I: 3 credits
Reciprocating Engine Systems
Intermediate Division Level
Airframe Applications II: 3 credits
Hydraulic Systems
Landing Gear Systems
Airframe Applications III: 3 credits
Overhaul and Repair
Inspection Methods
Helicopter Applications II: 6 credits
Flight Operations
Helicopter Flight Controls
Powerplant Applications II: 3 credits
Turbine Engine Systems
Aircraft Maintenance Practicum: 3 credits