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Hartford Hospital School of Allied Health Histotechnician Training Program

Learning Experience Reviewed 2000 

  • Histotechnician Program 

Credit Recommendation

Internal Training Program 

  • Anatomy and Histology: 6 credits, lower division level
  • Histologic Techniques I: 5 credits, lower division level
  • Histologic Techniques II: 3 credits, lower division level
  • Independent Research Project: 2 credits, lower division level
  • Introduction, Orientation & Laboratory Safety: 1 credit, lower division level
  • Medical Ethics/Professionalism: 1 credit, lower division level
  • Medical Terminology: 3 credits, lower division level
  • Microscopy: 6 credits, lower division level
  • Routine Staining: 3 credits, lower division level 
  • Special Staining: 4 credits, lower division level
  • Special Techniques: 3 credits, lower division level
  • Tissue Processing:  5 credits, lower level

Effective Dates

September 1995 through September 2005

Credit Recommendation

External Training Program 

  • Histologic Techniques I: 2 credits, lower division level
  • Medical Terminology: 3 credits, lower division level
  • Routine Staining: 2 credits, lower division level
  • Special Staining: 3 credits, lower division level
  • Special Techniques: 2 credits, lower division level
  • Tissue Processing: 2 credits, lower level

Effective Dates

1999 through September 2005

Source of Records

Hartford Hospital School of Allied Health; 560 Hudson Street; Hartford, CT 06106

About the Training Sponsor

One of the chief goals of Hartford Hospital is to encourage and support comprehensive educational programs which will provide the community with the skilled personnel necessary to provide efficient, high quality health care. In 1971, the Department of Education was established at the hospital. The School of Allied Health provides formal training programs in Allied Health disciplines. 

About the Reviewed Training Programs

The Histotechnician Program had internal and external students. The internal program was organized on a trimester basis with students’ time divided between lectures and laboratory sessions. Topics taught in the laboratory sessions closely coincided with the lecture content of courses. External students were typically employees of histology laboratories throughout the country. External students perform the course work by using self-study units that included objectives, reading assignments, homework assignments, quizzes and exams proctored by their supervisor. Separate credit recommendations are made for each program.

How to Apply for the Credit


Anatomy and Histology, (Internal Program Only) September 1995 through September 2005: 6 credits, lower division level
This course is designed to instruct basic anatomy and function of the human organ systems. A systematic approach to the human organism will be used including the body as a whole, its major systems, divisions, body planes, tissue identification, staining characteristics, microscopic examination, directional terms and medical terms pertinent to the study of anatomy.

Histologic Techniques I, (Internal Program) September 1995 through September 2005: 5 credits, lower division level (External Program) September 1999 through September 2005: 2 credits, lower division level
Students learn detailed description of bone decalcification and methods employed in sectioning of tissue embedded in the following media: paraffin, celloidin, and plastic. Throughout the internal program clinical rotation, the student is instructed in paraffin sectioning techniques.

Histologic Techniques II, (Internal Program Only) September 1995 through September 2005: 3 credits, intermediate division level
This unit of instruction takes place in the histology laboratory, gross cutting room and frozen section room. Under the supervision of an experienced technician, the student performs various routine duties (cover slipping, coordinating routine work, decalcification, and gross tissue handling) and observes rotations in the surgical and autopsy service.

Independent Research Project, (Internal Program Only) September 1995 through September 2005: 2 credits, intermediate division level
The student chooses a histologic topic of interest on which to concentrate. This project involves laboratory experimentation, slide preparation, library research and oral and written presentation of the histologic topic.

Introduction, Orientation & Laboratory Safety, (Internal Program Only) September 1999 through September 2005: 1 credit, lower division level
Course orients students to hospital policy and organization; introduces students to available laboratory facilities; safety procedures, policies, and pre-cautions given in the Laboratory Safety Manual are explained and/or demonstrated during the laboratory instruction.

Medical Ethics/Professionalism, (Internal Program Only) September 1999 through September 2005: 1 credit, lower division level
In this course students will learn the importance of medical courtesy and discretion. Emphasizes responsibilities of the student and technician in a medical environment.

Medical Terminology, (Internal and External Programs) September 1995 through September 2005: 3 credits, lower division level
Students will learn Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, and roots of terms frequently used in medicine.

Microscopy, (Internal Program Only) September 1995 through September 2005: 6 credits, intermediate division level
Theoretical and practical aspects of the following microscopy techniques are presented and performed: light, electron, polarizing, fluorescent, enzyme histochemical techniques, and immunohistochemistry.

Routine Staining, (Internal Program) September 1995 through September 2005: 3 credits, lower division level (External Program) September 1999 through September 2005: 2 credits, lower division level
This course teaches the theoretical and practical aspects of routine nuclear and cytoplasmic stains. Quality control of routine staining is also involved.

Special Staining, (Internal Program) September 1995 through September 2005: 4 credits, intermediate division level (External Program) September 1999 through September 2005: 3 credits, intermediate division level
The special staining lectures closely coincide with topics presented in the Anatomy course. Topics include connective tissue and muscle, carbohydrates, microorganisms, nerve tissue, and lipids. In addition, staining concepts, techniques, ingredients and results are covered.

Special Techniques, (Internal Program) September 1995 through September 2005: 3 credits, intermediate division level (External Program) September 1999 through September 2005: 2 credits, intermediate division level
This course is a description of demonstration techniques for special cells; tissues; pigments and minerals; micro incineration; eye techniques; photo-microscopy; hematopathogy; and preparation of museum specimens.

Tissue Processing, (Internal Program) September 1995 through September 2005: 5 credits, intermediate level (External Program) September 1999 through September 2005: 2 credits, intermediate level
This course teaches detailed analysis and use of fixatives, methods and instruments employed in fixation, dehydration, clearing, and embedding.