Learning Experience Reviewed 2015
- Community Health Worker
Credit Recommendation
- Community Health Worker Training: 4 credits, lower division level
Effective Dates
September 2014 through May 2020
Source of Records
Capital Community College; School of Workforce and Community Education; 950 Main Street; Hartford, CT 06103
About the Training Sponsor
The mission of Capital Community College is to provide access to higher education to diverse residents of the Greater Hartford region. Capital prepares individuals to transfer to four-year colleges through associate and certificate programs in academic and technical disciplines. Capital Community College's School of Workforce and Continuing Education offers non-credit certificate programs and workshops.
How to Apply for the Credit
Community Health Worker Training: 4 credits, lower division level
A Community Health Worker, or CHW, is a front-line worker who serves as a liaison between health and social service providers and the community to facilitate access to services and improve quality and cultural competency of service delivery. CHWs complement clinically-trained health care teams to carry out a broad range of responsibilities that facilitate access to health care services and help patients achieve goals in their care plans. The goal of this program is to develop a cadre of frontline public health workers who have demonstrated skills for facilitating access to health services and providing information resources within communities. These workers also help individuals, families, and groups access essential resources, including health insurance, food, housing, and quality care.
About the Review
This review was funded by the Connecticut Health & Life Sciences Career Initiative (HLSCI), a Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training grant, as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor. HLSCI is an equal opportunity program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.