NC-SARA, (the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements), www.nc-sara.org, has approved Charter Oak State College, (www.CharterOak.edu), for membership. SARA was developed to establish a state-level reciprocity process to support the nation in efforts to increase educational attainment by making state authorizations more efficient, effective and less costly.
Shirley Adams, Provost, Charter Oak State College said the agreement primarily benefits students. “It allows easier access for students to take courses across state lines,” said Adams, “as well as simplifying the process for accredited colleges."
Previously, Charter Oak would seek out approvals to operate from each individual state and also pay that state’s annual fee. The College estimates the annual savings to be approximately $15,000. "Being a SARA approved state means the College now has one set of standards to meet instead of 50 different standards," said Adams.
Participation in SARA is voluntary for states and institutions. It is administered by the four regional education compacts – in New England that compact is the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE). Membership is open to degree-granting postsecondary institutions from all sectors (public colleges and universities; independent institutions, both non-profit and for profit) accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education.