Dear Friends of Charter Oak State College Foundation,
I am Rebeka Scalia, Alumna and President of the COSC Foundation Board.
COSC was formed to help women and men alike re-enter the workforce and help to advance careers by offering an efficient and affordable way of gaining credentials. Today, the mission of Charter Oak remains the same, the staff and faculty are committed to student success. The Foundation is committed to contributing financial assistance to our students, helping eliminate the barriers to higher education. An educated workforce also, in turn, improves our community and our economy.
In 2017, the Foundation raised the amount we gave for scholarships from $700 per student to $850 per student to align with tuition. We give close to $80,000 in financial assistance each year, with over $20,000 in scholarships alone. For our little-known school – that equals big giving. However, the scholarship committee has to turn down many students who request financial assistance through our scholarship program as we consistently receive requests from over 100 students.
As our all-volunteer board meets and discusses our priorities – giving more scholarships and grants is always the number one priority. It is really simple, we need to raise money to be able to give more money.
The board has a steadfast commitment to higher education and the impact a college degree has on a person and their family. The lasting impact higher education has on an individual and generations to come is worth the investment of time, talent, and financial resources for our board members.
Will you join us in our endeavors?
Please consider making a donation to the Foundation, the Scholarship Fund, or one of our program initiatives such as Student Crisis Fund, PLA Program, or the Women in Transition Program.
Contact me or Carol Hall, our Executive Director, to discuss ways you can help to change lives!
Rebeka Scalia
President, COSC Foundation
Rebeka Scalia is a 1996 Charter Oak graduate. She has played an active role on the Foundation Board since that time. In January 2010, Rebeka assumed the duties of President of the Charter Oak State College Foundation Board.