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Consider Giving to the Foundation

Charter Oak State College building

The Gift of Education Lasts a Lifetime.

Your gift will be used to help students achieve their dream of earning a college degree, improving their career options, and changing the financial outlook for the lives of themselves, their families, and even generations to come.

Thank you for your consideration. Your support to Charter Oak State College Foundation allows you the opportunity to make a meaningful philanthropic gift while receiving tax benefits. Contributions to the Charter Oak State College Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, are tax-deductible to the full-extent allowed by law.

Giving Tuesday 2019  We have one day for giving thanks.  We have two for getting deals.  Plus another - #GivingTuesday - a global day dedicated to giving back!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019 - help bridge the gap for those in need of higher education credentials, and help change lives!  CLICK HERE to donate.

Our Annual Appeal

The Annual Fund / Unrestricted gift is used where needed most; ensuring financial funding of scholarships, grants, and even Foundation expenses. 

Bridge the Gap - 2020 Annual AppealOr, print & return the Annual Appeal Donation Form with payment.

Senior Legacy Fund

Each graduating class has an opportunity to say “Thanks!” to Charter Oak State College and to "Pay-it-Forward" by donating to the Senior Legacy Fund. [Tribute/Donation opportunity coming soon..Winter 2020]

The contribution of $20.20 is two-fold, first in recognition of the graduate, and second as a donation to the Senior Legacy Fund. The donated funds are used to provide financial assistance to COSC students through grants and scholarships, contributing to another student’s successful degree completion!

Tribute request for June Graduation, coming Winter 2020


Restricted Funds & Endowments

Giving to a Named or Endowed Fund helps to build the foundation's assets which, in turn, helps to increase the giving levels, helping meet the needs of our students in perpetuity.

Give to an Endowed or Restricted Fund

Or, print & return the Endowed/Restricted Giving Form with payment.

Our Endowments were established with the generous support of family, friends, and fans of COSC; and create a lasting legacy, the hallmark of financial sustainability, allowing the Board to diligently preserve the Foundation while contributing to the needs of our Students.

Restricted or Endowed donations can only be used for the establised purpose of the fund's restrictions.

To donate to a specified fund, please follow the link above and select the appropriate fund.  To discuss how you can make a lasting legacy, please contact Carol Hall.


Questions?  Please contact Carol Hall, Executive Director, Charter Oak State College Foundation | 860.515.3889

Helping shape our nation's workforce, one graduate, one gift at a time.