Help Celebrate Good Times as we unveil The Best of Charter Oak State College!
Nominations for the best -the talented, the leaders, entrepreneurs, and influencers
within our Charter Oak Community will be accepted until Friday, February 14, 2020.
Complete the Nomination Form or Send via email to
or mail to: Carol Hall, COSC Foundation, 55 Paul Manafort Drive, New Britain, CT 06053.
Questions? Call Brandee 860.515.3865
The Best of Charter Oak State College will be honored Saturday, March 21, 2020, at the
Annual Foundation Spring Dinner Dance & Auction,
Farmington Club, Farmington, CT
(details & inviation coming soon...) BIG 80's Theme!
History of Foundation Events ...below
Employer Appreciation Breakfast - Friday, November 8, 2019
Charter Oak State College Celebrated Employer Benefactors and Student Success at the 2nd Annual Employer Appreciation Breakfast, Friday, November 8, 2019, 7:30 am - 9:00 am at the TPC River Highlands Club House, Cromwell, CT
The event featured a variety of speakers including Charter Oak Alum, Seila Mosquera-Bruno, Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Housing. Nitza Rivera, Aetna, VP of Talent Management, who thanked Charter Oak for the 20-year partnership and the over 200 employees that have earned degrees from Charter Oak and continue to work at Aetna.
Also, the event included the awarding of the prestigious 2019 Golden Acorn Employer of the Year Award. This year’s recipient was Middlesex HealthCare. Suzanne D’Amato, Operations Manager, Health Information Services, of Middlesex Healthcare was nominated by current Charter Oak student Kelly Carlson.
Gold Sponsors,Liberty Bank, blumshapiro, Scalia & Associates, and Sheffy Mazzaccaro, made it possible for Charter Oak's community of learners to bring their boss to the complimentary breakfast. Hall said, "The Foundation appreciates and thanks employers who recognize the importance of higher education, and our community sponsors who helped to create this opportunity to honor many of them."
Follow the links to see photos on Facebook, or read more and view photos with captions. Proceeds to benefit the Student Crisis Fund.
COSC 45th Anniversary Celebration
Thank you Just Isn’t Enough! We had a record number of attendees, sold-out the mystery wine wall, enjoyed the music by DJ Love, Julio Casiano, and just had a real ball (disco style!). The Charter Oak celebration included old and new friends, staff, faculty, and volunteer leadership. Awards were presented and testimonies were given as we celebrated the life changing work and mission of Charter Oak and the Foundation - degree completion. Please take a moment, view below and follow the links - help us acknowledge our sponsors and donors, plus see the story of the evening in words and photos!
45th Anniversary Celebration : [Program Book] | [Press info] | [photo gallery] | Charter Oak Changes Lives! Testimonial Video
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Thank you to all of our supporters:
And Thank you to our Faculty/Staff Emeriti Award Members:
Photo below includes: From right to left, Emeriti Award Winners with President Ed Klonoski, Linda Larkin, Dr. Merle Harris, Pat Derech, Robert Zabek, Shyamala Raman, Irene Clampet, Provost Shirley Adams, Donald Brodeur, and David Sloane.
Previous Events:
The First Annual Employer Appreciation Breakfast was held on Nov 30th 2018 at River - Waterfront Restaurant, in Wethersfield, CT.
Thank you to our Gold Sponsor:
Other Sponsors can be viewed in the Event Program!
Alums and Students were encouraged to "bring their boss to breakfast" and the 2018 Golden Acorn Employer of the Year Award was presented. Click Here to view our photo gallery!
The 2018 Golden Acorn Employer of the Year - Hartford Healthcare! From left to right, Shelly Johnson, Kwame Asamoah, COSC Student and Scholarship Recipient, Debbi Wright, RHIA, System Director of Health Information Management and Guest Speaker. (Missing from the picture is supervisor, Celia Rodriguez.)
Proceeds from the breakfast will be used for the Student Crisis Fund, to help students overcome unforeseen financial hardships in realtime, keeping students on track for degree completion. It is not too late to make a donation to the Student Crisis Fund! Simply follow this link: Thank you!
Entrepreneurial Workshop
Monday, November 26, 2018, FREE Entrepreneurial Workshop Step Three: Go
Monday, October 15, 2018, FREE Entrepreneurial Workshop Step Two: Set
Tuesday, September 25th, FREE Entrepreneurial Workshop Step One: Ready
Career Development Workshops
Complimentary Career Workshop [1, 2, and 3] Presented by Calculus of Talent!
Spring Fundraiser and 2018 Shea Lecture, May 1, 2018
Thank you to our 2018 Shea Lecture - Art of Wellness Panel!
Andy Lee, M.A., Chief Mindfulness Officer, Aetna
Maureen McIntyre, M.A., CEO, North Central Area Agency on Aging (NCAAA)
and Andrea Mullin, B.S., Client Manager, United Healthcare, and WIT Program Graduate
and (centered) Nancy Billias, Ph.D., Professor, University of Saint Joseph, and Core Consulting Faculty, COSC,
2017 Foundation Fall Fundraiser - Celebrating Forty Years!
Watch Jeff Lanza's How Cyber Safe are YOU?
Read Jeff Lanza's Simple Safeguards: Preventing Identity Theft
Sponsored by Liberty Bank and the COSC Foundation Rankin Chair
2017 marked 40 years of the COSC Foundation's active service for students of Charter Oak State College
A dinner celebration was held Monday, November 13, 2017 at the Back Nine Tavern on Stanley Golf Course. Charter Oak Foundation Board Members, Alums, Staff, and faculty gathered for dinner and a presentation of the scholarship awards, plus the feature presentation on cyber security safety by Jeff Lanza, retired FBI agent.
Proceeds benefited the Student Crisis Fund Endowment and also provided a free public service presentation.
Thank you to all for making our event a success and providing for students in crisis.
Questions? Contact Carol Hall, Associate Director of Development at or (860) 515-3889