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Pathways, Statistics, and Medical Terminology Exams


Pathways exams are offered at our Newington testing location:

Charter Oak State College Testing
85 Alumni Road
Newington, CT 06111

Exam Schedule

Exams are normally scheduled at least twice per month.

Charter Oak Test Schedule (PDF)

Pathways Exams - Descriptions & Study Guides

Pathways Exams Brochure

Registering for Charter Oak State College Exams

Exams are 3 credits each and are normally scheduled on Saturdays each month at 2 p.m. You must reschedule at least two weeks prior to the test date.

  1. Complete the Pathways Exams Registration Form.
  2. If you are interested in taking the Statistics or Medical Terminology exams, you must be a Charter Oak matriculated student to complete those Exam Registration Forms.
  3. You must bring a photo ID to sit for an exam.

If you have a disability and need special accommodations, please contact the testing office at (860) 515-3708.

If you are a matriculated student at Charter Oak State College and need to take a proctored exam from another college, call the testing office at (860) 515-3708 to schedule the date and time.