American Red Cross Blood Services & Charter Oak State College

American Red Cross

Charter Oak State College is pleased to partner with American Red Cross, part of the world's largest humanitarian network and also the largest supplier of blood and blood products. We are happy to offer all eligible Red Cross employees a 10% discount on tuition for any course toward a certificate, Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. In addition, if you are an employee of the American Red Cross Blood Services division, you may have already earned up to 27 college credits for the Collections Staff Training Programor up to31 college credits for the Product Manufacturing Training Program!

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This means you may have already completed a big part of the credit requirements for an Associate or Bachelor's degree; about a year's worth of full-time college. It's a head start that can save you time and money in completing your degree.

Even if you don’t have this training, you may be able to get college credit for military training or EMT, RN, LPN, or phlebotomy credentials, just to name a few.

Additional Earnings

Bachelor’s degree holders make $1 million more on average over their lifetime compared to their peers who have only a high school degree.*


Employees with a bachelor’s degree now make up 57 percent of total wages earned.**

More Jobs

Jobs requiring a Bachelor’s degree or higher accounted for two out of every three that were added in health care from Dec. 2007 - Jan. 2016.**

* Jaison R. Abel and Richard Deitz Do the Benefits of College Still Outweigh the Costs?
** Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce America’s Divided Recovery: College Haves and Have-Nots, 2016

Why Charter Oak State College?

  • 100% online
  • Credit for credentials
  • Six (6) start dates
  • Expert Faculty