Charter Oak State College, in collaboration with tutor.com, offers free online tutoring services to all enrolled students.
- Connect with qualified tutors 24/7
- Get help in myriad of subjects
- Business
- Computer Science
- English
- Math
- Nursing
- Science
- Social Sciences
- Writing
- And many more!
- Drop off an essay for review and feedback
- Access the service from your mobile phone, tablet, or computer
How do I use it?
- Connect to the online tutoring from the left side of your course page while in Blackboard.
A personalized account will be created for you automatically - Select your topic, subject, and ask your question
- You can also attach a file or screenshot by clicking “share a file” in the pre-session request form
Tutoring - What it is and What it isn't?
Note: Students will have a limit of 4 hrs. per term to use for their tutoring sessions.
Writing Resources
Strong writing skills are vital to a successful college experience. Here are resources to help with writing citations: