Now that you are a student at Charter Oak State College, you have access to one of our greatest resources - the Academic Counselors. Academic Counselors serve as guides in navigating your degree program. It is extremely important that you work closely with your Academic Counselor.
Your Role as a Student
- Be familiar with the college's Academic Policies, including Student Code of Conduct
- Carefully review all correspondence from the College and contact the appropriate departments if you have any questions
- Work closely with your Academic Counselor to map out your degree program, maintain regular contact, and ask questions when something is unclear
- Plan ahead; allow your Academic Counselor sufficient time to respond to questions
- It is the student's responsibility to regularly access and review his/her advising worksheet and to track degree progress.
Academic Counselor's Role
- Assist in the selection of the degree program that is right for you
- Provide ongoing, dynamic program planning
- Review and approve courses that will meet your program requirements
- Direct you to a wide variety of College resources that support your journey to degree completion