The Academic Autobiography is an essay in which you write reflectively about your degree as a whole, with emphasis on your concentration, the credits that fulfilled your General Education requirements, and how they are interrelated.
Use our Academic Autobiography Audio/Visual PowerPoint-style presentation as a resource for writing Your Academic Autobiography.
- Your essay should be word-processed or typed, double-spaced, and between 750-1000 words.
- In order to graduate you must receive a satisfactory grade.
- You must submit the Academic Autobiography no later than four months before your anticipated graduation date to allow time for faculty review.
The Academic Autobiography Process
- Student will submit the Academic Autobiography along with the proposal form to Charter Oak State College.
- Charter Oak State College will send the Academic Autobiography, the cover sheet, the student's status report; the student's approved concentration form, the grading rubric, the grading explanation sheet, and the faculty approval sheet to the faculty reviewer.
- The faculty reviewer will return all materials to Charter Oak State College with the approval sheet completed.
- The results will then be sent to the student.
- Academic Autobiography Proposal Form (Word doc)
- Academic Autobiography Proposal Form (PDF)
- Academic Autobiography Directions (Word doc)
- Academic Autobiography Grading Rubric used by Faculty (Excel spreadsheet)
- Online Tutoring - Submit a draft of your proposal to eTutoring.org and an eTutor will review it, usually within 24 hours, returning it with expert advice and suggestions for improving your work.
- Online Grammar Guide - We recommend the following website as a good source of information about writing: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/
PLEASE NOTE: Since the Academic Autobiography is an assessment piece, your Academic Counselor can neither assist you with the writing nor provide feedback on the content.